Monday, February 18, 2008

Hopelessly un-original.

I was tagged for one of those "thirteen random things about yourself" blog deals. Originally it was going to involve just my MySpace folks, but it occurred to me that I haven't blogged here in ever so long...I might as well entertain with a few useless facts about me. You'll feel closer to me, and perhaps you may mine out some fodder for future ridicule. Always happy to help. Feel free to repost and let me know, so we can be even-stevens.

1. I have an irrational aversion to the sound that socks make when they're rubbed against a carpet. My teeth turn inside out at that sound. Please do not be tempted to make that sound in my presence in order to produce a reaction. I will smite you.

2. The only famous person I have ever had a conversation with (past the generic "love your work...Oh really? Thanks... Here, sign this.") is Geoffrey Owens, who used to play "Elvin" on The Cosby Show. He spoke to my acting class at UA and then we took him out for drinks afterward. I have no idea what we talked about. He was nice. I was probably an idiot.

3. I once cried for an hour and a half because someone stepped on a bug.

4. Between the ages of two and nine, I lived in a haunted house. It was during this time that I developed the habit of sleeping with the covers over my ears. I still find it comforting. And although you'd think the opposite, I LOVE ghost stories.

5. I didn't get my first kiss until I was 17. And I thought it was sloppy and un-romantic.

6. I am a mathematical idiot. Truly. I cannot add two figures without a mild panic.

7. At my very first audition for a play, I locked myself in a bathroom stall out of abject terror. A decade later, I entered college with the intention of majoring in performing arts.

8. I miss my dog. He was the most annoying creature ever spawned, and he shed enough to scrape together five small dogs every few days, but I loved him. I hope wherever he is, he's happy.

9. I don't own an Ipod. I haven't purchased myself music, cd, audiocassette or otherwise, since before I was married. This needs to change.

10. Watching certain shows on HGTV makes me furious. There are children in third world nations and in our own cities who are malnourished an uneducated, but Moneybags Mc Blingbling has to have an elevator for his car.

11. My new favorite website is Those wacky caucasians. Now I know what it's like to be one of them. I too would pay exorbitant amounts for the perfect panini.

12. When I was four, I wanted to know what it was like to be my cat, so I crouched behind the shrubs in the front yard and took a dump. It wasn't everything I dreamed it would be.

13. I am a deplorable dancer. Beyond wretched. I can barely walk.

1 comment:

meredith said...

I SO remember going to the Downtown Pub with Elvin. It was weird. Number 12 made me laugh so hard I peed! I read it to my husband but he did not think it was quite as funny ;) Good times!