Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Days on end of rain make us Medlins downright melancholy...

Even a bit insecure...

But it makes for marvelous puddles in the garden...

And sometimes it helps us meet new friends...

And it certainly makes things delightfully green...

The best policy is to just grin and bear it...

Isn't that better?


Talia said...

These are a great set of photos. They tell a fun story...but what I really think about them when I look at them is "how the heck does she keep Mia's hair so smooth?" Aerin yoinks rubberbands out of her hair as soon as I get them in. She's been looking like a wild woman.

MamaDrama77 said...


I don't know what other mama's do, but I dampen her hair, use a comb to scrape it into submission, and then lay on some hairspray to lacker it down real good. The end result lasts about an hour. I had JUST put her hair up in these photos. By the end of the day, she was looking less than manicured.

Talia said...

That soothes my feelings a bit, then. :P

I think I need to get a comb, though. I've just been using my brush. And I haven't been able to find any of the bitty rubberbands either, though I'm told they exist. We have some clips that aren't age appropriate that do the best job, and by golly I'm going to keep using them. Such a rebel I am.

MamaDrama77 said...

I've bought the teeny rubber bands at Wal Mart (in the infant/toddler section) and Target (same). I like Target's because they come separated in a neat little pill-minder box, according to color. This feature's useless, though, if your daughter gets her little mitts on the box and dumps it all out on the carpet.

Be prepared to lose a few strands of hair every time you remove the bands. They're kind of tough to get out if you wind 'em tight like I do. Someday, my daughter will regress to baldness and it will be my fault...