Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pulling Up and Letting Loose

She did it! Mia pulled herself right up into a standing position, unassisted this morning. I don't know whether to cheer or cry. She's been fiercely intent upon practicing her walking lately, grabbing onto fingers and pulling us down the hall and around and around the living room, singing and drooling to beat all. I know it's a bizarre worry, but I sometimes wonder whether she'll take the time to crawl before she toddles. She has always detested being placed on her belly, and even refused to roll herself over for months after she discovered she could, perhaps only as an act of sheer stubbornness. The child has her own ideas about how to get about, and we can't dissuade her. I recall a similar scenario with her brother, though, wherein I thought he'd end up skipping the all fours stage, and he ended up delighting us with an abbreviated version, "commando-crawling" across the floor for a week or so, crawling outright another, and finally walking right after that. He was a crawler for about a heartbeat and a half. Enough to satisfy us. I think we may have gotten it on video. Once.

And on to legitimate concerns. Connor's teacher took me aside this morning and asked whether I had noticed how frequently he has to go to the bathroom at home. I guess he's going a lot at school and it worried her. I hadn't thought much about it until now, but he sure does go a lot, sometimes three or four times in an hour. I've just been so doggone thrilled that he's depositing all that in a toilet instead of a diaper nowadays, I haven't taken stock of just how often that is. His teacher mentioned that frequent urination, among other symptoms, can be a sign of diabetes. We already knew this--in fact, before he turned two, I remember bringing up to his pediatrician that he seemed to have odd behavioral issues that appeared to be linked to low blood sugar--but we never had him tested. His three-year checkup is coming up. I think I will revisit that topic with Dr. Jeannie.

Miz Loretta also informed me, incidentally, that my young fellow decided during outside time this morning, to take it upon himself to drop trou and relieve himself right there on the cedar chips by the swings. In front of God and everybody. I will assume fault for this one. At home, I let him pee in the yard. It's so much easier than untangling his sister from the baby swing and hauling everyone inside every ten minutes. Like I said, he goes a lot. I guess our next lesson will be "places that are appropriate to use as a toilet."


Talia said...

It's good to share that concern with your doctor,but before you worry yourself too much know that Will's teacher came to us with the same concern earlier this year. The newly potty trained child in school was going potty all of the time. He got over it once he learned to hold it a little longer and that there were more interesting things to do than go potty. Now we have the opposite problem: he doesn't want to stop what he's doing and waits till the very last possible moment before running for the potty. He potty trained in two days last August, had a couple of accidents the next week and then nothing until recently when he's gotten a few drops on his undies out of sheer procrastination.

MamaDrama77 said...

That certainly relieves me a bit. I guess we forget, being adults, how tricky the timing factor is when learning to use the bathroom.

Either that or Mister Connor's just got a River of Life flowin' out of him. Splish splash!

Abbey Road said...

Yay for Mia!!! And I certainly hope everything works out with Connor alright. But that is too funny about him peeing outside. lol